General FAQs
What is the subscription fee /charges for ACE API?
ACE API is available for Free. You need not pay additional charges or subscription fees for using ACE API.
How do I get access to ACE API?
- Go to the Sign up page.
- ACE API sign-up page will open.
- Enter all the mandatory details to create an account.
- Read the terms & conditions carefully and accept it.
- You will get the email id with credentials for ACE API login.
How long does it takes to activate the ACE API subscription?
Once you sign up for the API, you will get API credentials through email or sms.
How do I use ACE API credentials?
Once you sign up to the ACE API, you will get credentials to login to the ACE API Portal. You will be able to manage your API using these new credentials. Please note that these new credentials are for ACE API management only.
What if I use a different language? Will I be able to use the ACE API?
ACE API is available in 5 different languages. The links to their SDKs are mentioned below
- Python SDK
- Java SDK
- Go SDK
- Node.js SDK
Can I login using ACE API and place orders?
Yes! You will be able to generate sessions using login API & place orders.
What will be the brokerage applicable on orders placed from ACE API?
No additional charges for ACE API. You will be charged as per your existing brokerage rate. No extra charges for using ACE API.
Is it available for all customers?
Yes! ACE APIs are available for all customers.
Available Product types for API users?
You will be able to place the below-given orders:
- Delivery
- Intraday
- Carryforward
- Bracket Order (BO)
Can I use the ACE API for low code/no code algorithm trading platforms?
You can generate and use an API Key with several low-code/no-code algo platforms available.
Will ACE API allow streaming of live prices?
Yes, ACE API offers a Websocket service to stream live prices across all segments and exchanges.
Can I use ACE Publisher feature to embed buttons on my app/website?